Audience at Stuyvesant High School: "Advice for Parenting an Over-Achiever"

Podcast: Embodied Pathways with Adrian Harris:
Podcast on Nonverbal Communication with Couples:
European Association for Body Psychotherapy Research Symposium
Panelist on "Neuroception and Body Awareness"
- with Deb Dana and Martha Eddy
Somatic Experiencing International Research Salon
Embodied Validity: A Paradigm Shift in Research
- with Dr. Michael Changaris
Boston University Women and Masks Research Conference
"Looking out and Seeing in"- A Journey Through the Body
University of Melbourne Research Conference
The Phenomenal Body: Understanding Embodiment in Research
Online: Embodied Mind, New York
"Embodiment online in the time of COVID"
Embodiment Conference International
"Embodied Epistemology"
New York City Freedom to Act Conference
"The psychophysiology of performance anxiety and how to
outsmart your nervous system!"
Miami FL
"Talking the Talk: How to talk about Dance/movement Therapy
ADTA Annual Conference
Santa Barbara, CA
"Applying Embodiment in Research"
USABP Annual Conference
National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC
Invited Panelist: Creative Forces for Clinical Research Summit
Invited Panelist: Creative Arts Therapies: Innovation and Integration
New York; School of Visual Arts, MPS program in Art Therapy
Lesley University, Cambridge MA
Research and Evaluation for Expressive Therapies
Seoul, Korea
Korean Society for Dance/movement Therapy
"Mindfulness and Self-compassion through Authentic Movement"
New York, NY
Conference presenter: Expressive Therapies Summit
"Authentic Movement for Exploring Mindfulness and Self-Compassion"
ADTA "TED" Talk: (youtube video)
Dance/movement Therapy for Treating Anxiety
Columbia University: New York Psychological Association
"Mindfulness and Embodiment for Therapists' Self-Care"
American Dance Therapy Association, Annual Conference, San Diego
"Reading Qualitative Research"
-ADTA "TED" talk:
Invited Speaker: "Dance/movement Therapy for Anxiety"
Interview in the Brooklyn Paper: Fearless Parenting column by Stephanie Thompson
"Take a Breather! Steph Learns the Importance of Oxygen in the Lungs."
Stuyvesant High School, NY
Freshman Parents' Orientation
Invited Guest Speaker: "Advice for Parenting a High Achiever"
Lisbon, Portugal
European Association for Body Psychotherapy, 14th International Congress.
~ Body Psychotherapy and Dance/movement Therapy: A Continuum of Care?
~ The State of Body Psychotherapy Research in the United States
Pace University, New York
~ Invited Guest Lecturer: Introduction to Somatic Psychology
Marymount Manhattan College, NYC
~ Invited Guest Panelist: Somatic Awareness and Movement Analysis
NYC Regional Arts in Healthcare Symposium
~ Invited Guest Speaker: The Heart/Mind Connection
Chicago, IL: American Dance Therapy Association Conference
Panel Facilitator: Dance Therapy and Body Psychotherapy: A Continuum of Care?
Podcast: Embodied Pathways with Adrian Harris:
Podcast on Nonverbal Communication with Couples:
European Association for Body Psychotherapy Research Symposium
Panelist on "Neuroception and Body Awareness"
- with Deb Dana and Martha Eddy
Somatic Experiencing International Research Salon
Embodied Validity: A Paradigm Shift in Research
- with Dr. Michael Changaris
Boston University Women and Masks Research Conference
"Looking out and Seeing in"- A Journey Through the Body
University of Melbourne Research Conference
The Phenomenal Body: Understanding Embodiment in Research
Online: Embodied Mind, New York
"Embodiment online in the time of COVID"
Embodiment Conference International
"Embodied Epistemology"
New York City Freedom to Act Conference
"The psychophysiology of performance anxiety and how to
outsmart your nervous system!"
Miami FL
"Talking the Talk: How to talk about Dance/movement Therapy
ADTA Annual Conference
Santa Barbara, CA
"Applying Embodiment in Research"
USABP Annual Conference
National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC
Invited Panelist: Creative Forces for Clinical Research Summit
Invited Panelist: Creative Arts Therapies: Innovation and Integration
New York; School of Visual Arts, MPS program in Art Therapy
Lesley University, Cambridge MA
Research and Evaluation for Expressive Therapies
Seoul, Korea
Korean Society for Dance/movement Therapy
"Mindfulness and Self-compassion through Authentic Movement"
New York, NY
Conference presenter: Expressive Therapies Summit
"Authentic Movement for Exploring Mindfulness and Self-Compassion"
ADTA "TED" Talk: (youtube video)
Dance/movement Therapy for Treating Anxiety
Columbia University: New York Psychological Association
"Mindfulness and Embodiment for Therapists' Self-Care"
American Dance Therapy Association, Annual Conference, San Diego
"Reading Qualitative Research"
-ADTA "TED" talk:
Invited Speaker: "Dance/movement Therapy for Anxiety"
Interview in the Brooklyn Paper: Fearless Parenting column by Stephanie Thompson
"Take a Breather! Steph Learns the Importance of Oxygen in the Lungs."
Stuyvesant High School, NY
Freshman Parents' Orientation
Invited Guest Speaker: "Advice for Parenting a High Achiever"
Lisbon, Portugal
European Association for Body Psychotherapy, 14th International Congress.
~ Body Psychotherapy and Dance/movement Therapy: A Continuum of Care?
~ The State of Body Psychotherapy Research in the United States
Pace University, New York
~ Invited Guest Lecturer: Introduction to Somatic Psychology
Marymount Manhattan College, NYC
~ Invited Guest Panelist: Somatic Awareness and Movement Analysis
NYC Regional Arts in Healthcare Symposium
~ Invited Guest Speaker: The Heart/Mind Connection
Chicago, IL: American Dance Therapy Association Conference
Panel Facilitator: Dance Therapy and Body Psychotherapy: A Continuum of Care?